Personalized Chiropractic Care

New Patient Information

At Precision Spinal Care LLC, we care about keeping our patients informed. Our team of knowledgeable chiropractors strives to keep you comfortable, healthy, and happy. Located in Prescott, AZ, we utilize state-of-the-art technology, techniques, and equipment to improve your wellness. Take the first steps towards your overall health by exploring this page and scheduling a free chiropractic consultation today!

Chiropractic Care in Prescott, AZ
Man Complaining about neck pain to doctor

What to Expect at Your First Appointment

In some ways, one could say that chiropractic care is a bit like building a house – certain things have to happen for everything to stand firm and work together correctly. When building a house, if you tried to build your walls before you had a solid foundation, your walls would be weak and eventually may even collapse. These concepts also apply to your body, too! If something is wrong with your body’s foundation, that needs to be addressed before achieving proper health. With chiropractic care, your body has to go through a particular care plan to repair itself correctly and fully. There are three general phases of chiropractic care.

Phase One: Relief Care

If you are in pain when you come into our Prescott chiropractic office, our first objective is to help you reduce pain and start feeling better as soon as possible. Depending on the severity of the underlying condition causing your pain, it is typical for a patient to need chiropractic care or adjustments 2-3 times per week for 4-12 weeks.

Phase Two: Corrective/Restorative Care

During the corrective phase of chiropractic care, muscles and other tissues are allowed to heal more completely, which helps prevent further injury or pain. The goal of corrective or restorative chiropractic care is to help bring your body back to 100% functioning. It is typical to need chiropractic care or adjustments about 4-8 times per month for 6-24 months, depending on your overall health and the severity of your problem.

Phase Three: Wellness Care

Once your body has fully healed and you are no longer experiencing back pain or other pain symptoms, it is essential to come in for periodic chiropractic adjustments to avoid further problems in the future. Usually, this phase of chiropractic care only requires a quick visit to the chiropractor 1-4 times per month, based on your lifestyle and goals.

Payment Information

Insurance Policies

A Precision Spinal Care, LLC, we accept most insurance plans. We also work with personal injury cases to provide the care you need after a traumatic event. We are more than willing to call on your behalf to make sure that your insurance is accepted with our services.

At our chiropractic office, getting you the care you need is our priority. If you do not have insurance, we will work endlessly with you to provide care. We can come up with a cost-effective solution for you to receive the chiropractic adjustments you need.


New Patient Exam $25.00

X-Ray Services

Cervical $25.00
Thoracic $25.00
Lumbar $25.00
Extremities $45.00

Veterans & Triwest (VA)

We accept all chiropractic and massage authorizations. All our providers are credentialed with the VA and Triwest. Treatment requires an authorization from the VA which must be requested by the veteran. If you don’t have an authorization, you may request chiropractic and massage therapy from your team at the VA on your next visit. You can also call the VA directly and request a referral to one of our practitioners. These services are 100% covered and can be very helpful in reducing medication use and pain levels!

Precision Spinal Care believes in the value of chiropractic care for you and your family toward achieving total health and wellness. We have created a pricing structure that is flexible enough to allow you to get the chiropractic care you need, no matter what your budget. Our chiropractic office participates in most insurance programs. We also accept auto accidents and workers’ compensation cases. Flexible payment programs can be arranged for patients with little or no chiropractic insurance coverage.

To learn more about our payment options for chiropractic and wellness care, you can call our office directly at 928-442-0202, and one of our friendly staff will be happy to answer all your questions.

We participate with some insurance carriers and our staff will be glad to review your benefits before your visit, free of charge. We always welcome patients who do not have insurance, and are part of a discount medical program that allows us to discount our fees to a reasonable price per visit, often more affordable than your copay.

Explore stretches & exercises that can help relieve pain today!

Patient forms to fill out before visit

New Patient Form

Precision Spinal Care’s Patient Financial Agreement

Informed Consent to Chiropractic Care
Notice of Privacy Practices Acknowledgement & Authorization

PHI Use & Disclosure Authorization

Frequently Asked Questions

Can a chiropractor help me?

If you are experiencing chronic pain, a chiropractor can help. Precision Spinal Care offers chiropractic services to patients throughout Prescott, AZ, who are experiencing chronic back pain, frequent headaches, joint dysfunction, neck pain, sciatica, and more.

How long will treatment take?

Chiropractic treatment is highly individualized to a patient’s age, fitness level, duration of pain, type of injury, and level of discomfort. If you struggle with chronic pain, contact Precision Spinal Care and receive a free consultation today!

Can I see a chiropractor if I’m pregnant?

Prenatal chiropractic adjustments are considered a safe, effective practice during pregnancy. We can help relieve and manage back, hip, and joint pains as your pregnancy progresses. We also help establish pelvic balance, which provides your baby with as much space as possible throughout the pregnancy.

Are walk-in appointments available?

At Precision Spinal Care, walk-in appointments are available. We are open from 7 AM – 7 PM throughout the week and offer many discount programs to make receiving chiropractic care within your budget!

Have questions for our team? Don’t hesitate to contact us at

Business Hours

Monday: 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Tuesday: Closed
Wednesday: 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Thursday: Closed
Friday: 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed